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Spin glass, quantum gravity, and their simulations

Speaker: Ping Gao Rutgers University
Time: 2024-10-11 10:00-2024-10-11 12:00
Venue: 腾讯会议:134-801-997


In this introductory seminar, I will briefly explain the mean-field spin glass, especially focusing on the classical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) model. I will explain its nontrivial low temperature thermodynamics and Parisi's replica symmetry breaking solution. Then I will discuss its quantum version, which has a close relation with the SYK model in the double-scale limit. The SYK model is a very promising holographic quantum mechanical model that is dual to AdS_2 JT gravity. Due to its relatively simple (but not too simple) struture, there are many proposals to simulate SYK model in a quantum platform. On the other hand, since SYK model has a connection to spin glass, we can start with simulating the latter and improve the techniques to simulate the SYK model, which may be helpful for understanding quantum gravity.

Short Bio:

Ping Gao is a postdoc at the New High Energy Theory Center at Rutgers University. He was a postdoc at MIT Center for Theoretical Physics for 2019-2023 after graduation from Harvard in 2019 with PhD in theoretical physics. His reasearch interests include quantum gravity, AdS/CFT, quantum chaos, and their connection to quantum information.