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Although there’s no girl student in Pilot CS 60 Class, all the boys spent an enjoyable boy’s day.

On the evening of November 11, all the students in Pilot CS 60 Class got together in Shark Hot Spot Buffet and had dinner together. Students live separately and do not have chances to meet and talk, and this activity promoted and enhanced their friendship.


Different from others, Pilot CS 60 Class combined the Youth League’s activity and Boy’s Day through intelligence competition. Students were all divided into groups and there were four sections, including essay questions, answering questions, quick-answer questions and high-risk quick-answer questions. Students spent an enjoyable time together and enriched their knowledge.


Laughter is the best affirmation of this activity. Qi Yin from Pilot CS 60 Class was very excited in the activity and he said: “I’m very happy and this kind of activity is very meaningful. We know better from each other. We feel the warmth of this ‘Yao Class’.”