The China Theory Week 2007 was held at the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) in Tsinghua University from September 17 to 21. A total of more than 70 researchers and students in theoretical computer science attended the five-day meeting.
The workshop provided an international forum and opportunity for graduate students in theoretical computer science to meet and exchange research ideas. The presentations in the workshop also served as a useful indicator on where the exciting directions for the field might be currently and down the road. Turing Award Winner, Professor Andrew Chi-chih Yao from Tsinghua University, delivered the welcoming speech.
Professor Andrew Chi-chih Yao
Thirty-six talented graduate students in theoretical computer science from universities including MIT, Stanford University, Harvard University, UC Berkeley, Princeton University, Cambridge University, and Tsinghua University were invited to present their latest research findings. Three distinguished leading scientists in the field: Professor Juris Hartmanis, Walter R. Read Professor of Engineering, Cornell University, Professor Alexander Razborov, Leading Researcher of Steklov Mathematical Institute, and Professor Uri Zwick from Tel Aviv University also gave keynote lectures.