The “Complexity group meeting” on Monday morning next week will be shifted to Friday 3pm-4pm, on May 15th.
The “Complexity class” by Dr. Jayalal Sarma M.N. on Monday afternoon next week will start at 1:15pm and end at 2:45pm.
The “Algorithm group meeting” on Monday afternoon next week will be shifted after the talk of Prof. Asano. The class is estimated to begin at 4pm.
The "Coding Theory Class" by Dr. Christophe Tartary on Friday will be canceled in the coming two weeks (May 15, May 22). The class by Dr. Christophe Tartary on Tuesday will take place at its usual time (16:30 - 18:00).
There will be an extra class by Dr. Jayalal Sarma M.N. from 2pm on Saturday afternoon next week, May 16th.
ITCS Administration