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Maxwell's demon in the quantum wonderland

Speaker: Prof. Sang Wook Kim Pusan National University
Time: 2014-02-25 16:00-2014-02-25 18:00
Venue: FIT 1-222


Abstract :  In this talk we will discuss the quantum mechanical nature of Maxwell's demon both in dynamical and in information point of view. The Szilard engine (SZE) is the quintessence of Maxwell's demon, which can extract the work from a heat bath by utilizing information. We show that more (less) work can be extracted from the bosonic (fermionic) SZE due to the indistinguishability of quantum identical particles. Moreover, we also present that purely quantum mechanical information such as quantum entanglement can be utilized to extract thermodynamic work.
- References:
S. W. Kim, T. Sagawa, S. De Liberato, and M. Ueda, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 070401 (2011)
K.-H. Kim and S. W. Kim, Phys. Rev. E 84, 102101 (2011)
J. J. Park, K.-H. Kim, T. Sagawa, and S. W. Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 230402 (2013)

Short Bio:

Sang Wook Kim is currently a professor in department of Physics education at Pusan national university (PNU) in South Korea.He received Ph. D. in KAIST in 1999. After that he worked in POSTECH, KAIST, and Max-Planck institute as a postdoctoral researcher, and in Seoul national university as a BK professor. He also spent six months in University of Tokyo as a JSPS fellow and four months in university of Innsbruck as a visiting professor. Sang Wook Kim is broadly interested in quantum science such as quantum chaos, quantum optics, quantum information, and so on. Recently his main interest lies at thermodynamics of information, i.e. the issue of Maxwell's demon. He is also famous of a science communicator in South Korea. He has published books for general public, given public lectures on TV and radios, and written columns in many journals and magazines.