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Fast-Converging Distributed Optimization for Networked Systems: A Second-Order A

Speaker: Prof. Jia Liu Ohio State University
Time: 2015-05-11 14:00-2015-05-11 15:00
Venue: FIT 1-312


The fast growing scale and heterogeneity of modern wired/wireless communications networks necessitate the design of distributed congestion control and routing optimization algorithms. To date, however, most of the existing schemes are based on a key idea called the back-pressure algorithm. Despite having many salient features, the first-order subgradient nature of the back-pressure based schemes results in slow convergence and hence poor delay performance. To overcome these limitations, in this research, we make a first attempt at developing a second-order joint congestion control and routing optimization framework that offers utility-optimality, queue-stability, and fast convergence. Our results of this research are three-fold: i) we propose a new second-order joint congestion control and routing framework based on a primal-dual interior-point approach; ii) we establish utility-optimality and queue-stability of the proposed second-order method; and iii) we show how to implement the proposed second-order method in a distributed fashion. Collectively, our results contribute to the development of an analytical foundation for networked systems design that provides second-order convergence speed.

Short Bio:

Jia (Kevin) Liu received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2010. He then joined The Ohio State University as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Since November 2014, he has been promoted to Research Assistant Professor in the ECE department at OSU. His current research interests are in the areas of cross-layer optimization of wired/wireless communications networks, cyber-physical systems, smart electric power grid, and big data analytics. Prior to joining Virginia Tech, Dr. Liu was with Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies in Beijing China, working on 3G wireless standards development. Dr. Liu is a member of IEEE and SIAM. He was a recipient of the Best Paper Award of IEEE ICC 2008, a recipient of the Best Paper Runner-up Award of IEEE INFOCOM 2011, and a recipient of the Best Paper Runner-up Award of IEEE INFOCOM 2013. He is a recipient of China National Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Students Abroad in 2008.