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CQI Published Paper on PRL

April 27,2016

Collaborating with research group in Oxford, CQI PhD candidate Jiajun Ma published a research paper on Physical Review Letters, entitled Converting Coherence to Quantum Correlations.

Converting coherence to discord-type correlations. The production of quantum discord is upper bounded by the consumption of coherence within the subsystems.

The authors discovered the interplay between quantum coherence and quantum correlations, and quantified the process of converting coherence to quantum correlations. Meanwhile, they inspected this process under the scenario of quantum computation and quantum metrology. Since quantum coherence and quantum correlations play important roles in quantum information processing, this work will have an impact on a wide range of applications of quantum information science.

The first author and the co-corresponding author is Jiajun Ma. The research was funded by National Basic Research Program of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

The full paper is available at: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.160407

(By Shuai Sun, photo by Jiajun Ma)