Speaker: Das Swarup National University of Singapore
Time: 2017-12-01 13:30-2017-12-01 15:00
Venue: 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm,Dec. 1 (Friday),MMW S327.
I will discuss lifetime measurement of SF^{-}_{6} measured with an unprecedented precision. The electron affinity thus extracted soundly establishes the structure of an SF^{-}_{6} molecular ion as C4v symmetric. In addition, spectra of steady state fluorescence from a single trapped Ba+ ion under controlled laser excitations will be presented . The results indicate that multiple coherent population trapping (CPT) obtained by Zeeman degeneracy can be a good resource for high resolution, high sensitivity magnetometry. I will also present development of a planar ion trap set up using industrial approaches. It provides some insight into the problems that are faced with these kind of traps as compared to the conventional three dimensional traps.
Short Bio:
Dr. Swarup Das is currently a research fellow in the lab of Prof. Manas Mukherjee at the Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore. During his graduate studies, he worked on precision measurements along with its applications using ion traps and also development of a planar surface ion trap setup. In a collaborative project with MPIK, Heidelberg, he has worked on the lifetime measurement of molecular sulfur hexafluoride anion (SF6-). He has also worked on the measurement of radiative lifetime of the 2nd excited state of Ba+ ion. He has been involved in another project to develop a surface electrode ion trap using industrial fabrication techniques.