Speaker: Iñigo Arrazola University of the Basque Country
Time: 2018-05-21 14:00-2018-05-21 16:00
Venue: MMW S727
Title: Quantum Simulation of Many-Body Physics and Nonlinear Light-Matter Interactions with Trapped Ions
Author: Iñigo Arrazola
Abstract: Quantum simulators hold the promise of efficiently simulating interesting quantum mechanical models that are currently imposible to simulate by classical computers. Trapped ions are among the most promising technologies for building scalable quantum simulators. In this seminar, I will present theoretical proposals for simulating many-body physics with trapped ions, such as, Heisenberg spin-spin interaction models or Holstein electron-phonon interaction models. Besides, I will also explain how to simulate the nonlinear quantum Rabi model with a single trapped ion beyond the Lamb-Dicke regime.