Single-quantum level state engineering

演讲人: Prof. Myungshik Kim
时间: 2014-10-29 16:00-2014-10-29 17:00
地点:FIT 1-222

Quantum technology is a revolutionary idea to change the paradigm of modern technology using quantum states and operations of physical systems. An ability to manipulate a quantum state is an important tool in the applications of quantum mechanics. In this presentation, we show the recent advances in generating and manipulating the quantum states using unitary and non-unitary operations.


Myungshik Kim (MSK) is Professor in Quantum Information Science Theory. He is Head of Quantum Optics and Laser Science Group at Blackett Laboratory and Director of the Centre for Doctoral Training and EU-Innovative Doctoral Training Programme. After completing his PhD on the quantum aspect of atom-field interaction, he worked on nonclassical properties of optical fields at Imperial College. He works closely with experimentalists since he was at Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ) as a Humboldt Fellow. He has published many experiment-theory joint papers in photonic state engineering and quantum technology. His research interests include theory of atom-field interactions, implementation issues of quantum information processing and foundations of quantum mechanics. For his contribution in the research of quantum optics and quantum information processing, he was elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy in 2009. More recently, he has become interested in quantum optical tests of quantum gravity.