Advances in Quantum Algorithms and Hardware Modelling for Superconducting Circuits

演讲人: Adrian Parra University of the Basque Country
时间: 2018-05-21 14:00-2018-05-21 16:00
地点:MMW S727

Title: Advances in Quantum Algorithms and Hardware Modelling for Superconducting Circuits

Author: Adrian Parra


1- Digital-Analog Quantum Computing on preparation

2- Circuit Quantization of Lumped Element Circuits with Non-Reciprocal Devices on preparation

3- Charge Qubit in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime on preparation

4a- Convergence of the Multi-mode Rabi Model in Circuit QED, Physical Review B 95 (24), 245115

4b- Quantum Networks in Divergence-free Circuit QED, Quantum Science and Technology 3 (2), 024012



In this seminar I will introduce ongoing projects of my PhD thesis and will be divided in two blocks, readily, advances on quantum software algorithms and hardware modelling for superconducting quantum technology. On the software section, I will introduce the concept of digital-analog quantum computing as an alternative method to perform universal quantum algorithms in opposition to a purely digital approach. I will present explicit algorithms to simulate generalized 2-, 3- and 4-body interactions by means of a fixed entangling 2-body Hamiltonian and single qubit rotations. Moving on to the hardware, several proposals for scaling non-reciprocal gyrators and circulators are being now tested on superconducting chips. These new tools effectively break time-reversal symmetry and have the capability of routing quantum signals non-trivially. I will explain how to include the fundamental ideal non-reciprocal elements in circuits, the 2-port gyrator and N-port circulators, in a Hamiltonian description of lumped-element superconducting circuits. Secondly, I will comment on the feasibility of designing charge qubits on the ultra strong or deep strong coupling regime on and off resonance. The implementation of flexible USC/DSC regime systems will permit to simulate polaritonic physics analogically and to implement faster and more protected quantum processing tasks. Finally, I will present published results on the description of multi-mode generalised Rabi models in circuit QED systems without the need of introducing ultra-violet cutoffs. 
