May 31, CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ching Pak-Chung spoke at IIIS Distinguished Lecture during his visit at IIIS. The talk on “Advances from MIMO-OFDM to Cognitive Radio: Wireless Transmission of Big Data” took place at the Lecture Room of Tsinghua Xuetang. It was hosted by Dean Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao and more than 120 people joined the lecture.
In his talk, Prof. Ching said the volume, velocity and variety of information that human beings create, transmit and manage are overwhelming. This big data comes from everywhere. Over the last decade, wireless communications witnessed unprecedented developments due to the need to facilitate ubiquitous transmission of information, and the emergence of new multimedia applications and wireless services. He introduced some of the advanced technologies including MIMO-OFDM, which has now been successfully applied to many wireless applications because of its potential in achieving higher data rate and providing more reliable reception performance by employing multiple antennae in the system design. Cooperative communication can be considered as a form of virtual MIMO, has also been developed into a promising new technique that allows distributed terminals in a wireless network to collaborate through distributed transmission or signal processing means so as to realize better space diversity in enhancing performance. He also shared his ideas on cognitive radio.
Professor Ching is Council Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), Chairman of the Hong Kong Section, and Member of the Technical Committee on Signal Processing Theory and Methods of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). He is also Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Director of Shun Hing Institute of Advanced Engineering, Professor of Electronic Engineering