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Yukai Wu

Assistant Professor
Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University

Office: MMW-S315, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Physical implementation of quantum computing, Quantum information, Quantum machine learning


2015-2019   Ph.D. in Physics, University of Michigan

2011-2015   B.S. in Physics, Tsinghua University


2021-           Assistant Professor, IIIS, Tsinghua University

2019-2021   Postdoc, IIIS, Tsinghua University

Research Interest

Theoretical research on quantum computing & its physical implementation,

quantum information, quantum machine learning


2021      Outstanding Postdoctoral, Tsinghua University

2019      Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program, Tsinghua University

2019      International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program, China

2016      Membership of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, University of Michigan

2015      Physics Department Fellowship, University of Michigan

2015      Outstanding Graduate of Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University

2015      Outstanding Graduate of the City of Beijing, Beijing

2015      Chi-Sun YEH Prize of Physics Department, Tsinghua University

2015      Excellent Thesis of Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University

2014      National Scholarship, China

2013      National Scholarship, China

2012      National Endeavor Scholarship, China

2011      Tsinghua Xuetang Talents Program, Tsinghua University

Selected Publications (Google Scholar Profile)

[28] Guo, S.-A.#, Wu, Y.-K.#, Ye, J., Zhang, L., Wang, Y., Lian, W.-Q., Yao, R., Xu, Y.-L., Zhang, C., Xu, Y.-Z., Qi, B.-X., Hou, P.-Y., He, L., Zhou, Z.-C., & Duan, L.-M. (2025). Hamiltonian learning for 300 trapped ion qubits with long-range couplings. Science Advances, 11, eadt4713

[27] Zhuang, J.-Z., Wu, Y.-K.*, & Duan, L.-M.* (2024). Hardware-efficient variational quantum algorithm in a trapped-ion quantum computer. Physical Review A, 110, 062414

[26] Hou, Y.-H.#, Yi, Y.-J.#, Wu, Y.-K.#, Chen, Y.-Y., Zhang, L., Wang, Y., Xu, Y.-L., Zhang, C., Mei, Q.-X., Yang, H.-X., Ma, J.-Y., Guo, S.-A., Ye, J., Qi, B.-X., Zhou, Z.-C., Hou, P.-Y., & Duan, L.-M. (2024). Individually addressed entangling gates in a two-dimensional ion crystal. Nature Communications, 15, 9710

[25] Cheng, Z.-J.#, Wu, Y.-K.#, Li, S.-J., Mei, Q.-X., Li, B.-W., Wang, G.-X., Jiang, Y., Qi, B.-X., Zhou, Z.-C., Hou, P.-Y., & Duan, L.-M. (2024). Observation of quantum superposition of topological defects in a trapped-ion quantum simulator. Science Advances, 10(42), eadr9527

[24] Wu, Y.-K., & Duan, L.-M. (2024). Progress on ion trap quantum computation and simulation using two-dimensional ion crystals. Science Bulletin, 69, 3480

[23] Wang, G.-X.#, Wu, Y.-K.#, Yao, R., Lian, W.-Q., Cheng, Z.-J., Xu, Y.-L., Zhang, C., Jiang, Y., Xu, Y.-Z., Qi, B.-X., Hou, P.-Y., Zhou, Z.-C., He, L., & Duan, L.-M. (2024). Simulating the spin-boson model with a controllable reservoir in an ion trap. Physical Review A, 109, 062402

[22] Guo, S.-A., Wu, Y.-K., Ye, J., Zhang, L., Lian, W.-Q., Yao, R., Wang, Y., Yan, R.-Y., Yi, Y.-J., Xu, Y.-L., Li, B.-W., Hou, Y.-H., Xu, Y.-Z., Guo, W.-X., Zhang, C., Qi, B.-X., Zhou, Z.-C., He, L., & Duan, L.-M. (2024). A site-resolved two-dimensional quantum simulator with hundreds of trapped ions. Nature, 630, 613-618

[21] Wang, Y.#, Wu, Y.-K.#, Jiang, Y., Cai, M.-L., Li, B.-W., Mei, Q.-X., Qi, B.-X., Zhou, Z.-C., & Duan, L.-M. (2024). Realizing synthetic dimensions and artificial magnetic flux in a trapped-ion quantum simulator. Physical Review Letters, 132, 130601

[20] 吴宇恺, 段路明. (2023). 离子阱量子计算规模化的研究进展. 物理学报, 72(23): 230302

[19] Li, B.-W.#, Wu, Y.-K.#, Mei, Q.-X.#, Yao, R., Lian, W.-Q., Cai, M.-L., Wang, Y., Qi, B.-X., Yao, L., He, L., Zhou, Z.-C., & Duan, L.-M. (2023). Probing critical behavior of long-range transverse-field Ising model through quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism. PRX Quantum, 4, 010302

[18] Wang, J.-H., Cai, T.-Q., Han, X.-Y., Ma, Y.-W., Wang, Z.-L., Bao, Z.-H., Li, Y., Wang, H.-Y., Zhang, H.-Y., Sun, L.-Y., Wu, Y.-K.*, Song, Y.-P.*, & Duan, L.-M.* (2022). Information scrambling dynamics in a fully controllable quantum simulator. Physical Review Research, 4, 043141

[17] Li, B.-W.#, Mei, Q.-X.#, Wu, Y.-K.#, Cai, M.-L., Wang, Y., Yao, L., Zhou, Z.-C., & Duan, L.-M. (2022). Observation of non-Markovian spin dynamics in a Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model using a trapped-ion quantum simulator. Physical Review Letters, 129, 140501

[16] Yang, H.-X., Ma, J.-Y., Wu, Y.-K., Wang, Y., Cao, M.-M., Guo, W.-X., Huang, Y.-Y., Feng, L., Zhou, Z.-C., & Duan, L.-M. (2022). Realizing coherently convertible dual-type qubits with the same ion species. Nature Physics, 18, 1058-1061

[15] Cai, M.-L.#, Wu, Y.-K.#, Mei, Q.-X., Zhao, W.-D., Jiang, Y., Yao, L., He, L., Zhou, Z.-C., & Duan, L.-M. (2022). Observation of supersymmetry and its spontaneous breaking in a trapped ion quantum simulator. Nature Communications, 13, 3412

[14] Jiang, Y.#, Cai, M.-L.#, Wu, Y.-K.#, Mei, Q.-X., Zhao, W.-D., Chang, X.-Y., Yao, L., He, L., Zhou, Z.-C., & Duan, L.-M. (2022). Quantum simulation of the two-dimensional Weyl equation in a magnetic field. Physical Review Letters, 128, 200502

[13] Mei, Q.-X.#, Li, B.-W.#, Wu, Y.-K.#, Cai, M.-L., Wang, Y., Yao, L., Zhou, Z.-C. & Duan, L.-M. (2022). Experimental realization of the Rabi-Hubbard model with trapped ions. Physical Review Letters, 128, 160504

[12] Mao, Z.-C., Xu, Y.-Z., Mei, Q.-X., Zhao, W.-D., Jiang, Y., Cheng, Z.-J., Chang, X.-Y., He, L., Yao, L., Zhou, Z.-C.*, Wu, Y.-K.*, & Duan, L.-M.* (2022). Observation of anomalous heat transport in a trapped ion chain. Physical Review A, 105, 033107

[11] Zhang, S.#, Wu, Y.-K.#, Li, C., Jiang, N., Pu, Y.-F. & Duan, L.-M. (2022). Quantum-memory-enhanced preparation of nonlocal graph states. Physical Review Letters, 128, 080501

[10] Cai, T.-Q., Wang, J.-H., Wang, Z.-L., Han, X.-Y., Wu, Y.-K.*, Song, Y.-P.*, & Duan, L.-M.* (2021). All-microwave nonadiabatic multiqubit geometric phase gate for superconducting qubits. Physical Review Research, 3, 043071

[9] Mao, Z.-C., Xu, Y.-Z., Mei, Q.-X., Zhao, W.-D., Jiang, Y., Wang, Y., Chang, X.-Y., He, L., Yao, L., Zhou, Z.-C.*, Wu, Y.-K.* & Duan, L.-M.* (2021). Experimental realization of multi-ion sympathetic cooling on a trapped Ion crystal. Physical Review Letters, 127, 143201

[8] Wu, Y.-K.#, Liu, Z.-D.#, Zhao, W.-D., & Duan, L.-M. (2021). High-fidelity entangling gates in a three-dimensional ion crystal under micromotion. Physical Review A, 103, 022419

[7] Wang Z.#, Wu, Y.#, Bao, Z., Li, Y., Ma, C., Wang, H., Song, Y., Zhang, H., & Duan, L.-M. (2021). Experimental realization of a deterministic quantum router with superconducting quantum circuits. Physical Review Applied, 15, 014049

[6] Xu, Y.-Z., Zhao, W.-D., Hou, Y.-H., Mei, Q.-X., Ma, J.-Y., Wang, J., He, L., Zhou, Z.-C.*, Wu, Y.-K.*, & Duan, L.-M.* (2020). Controlled melting of a Wigner ion crystal with atomic resolution. Physical Review A, 102, 063121

[5] Wu, Y.-K., Duan, L.-M., & Deng, D.-L. (2020). Artificial neural network based computation for out-of-time-ordered correlators. Physical Review B, 101, 214308

[4] Wu, Y.-K., & Duan, L.-M. (2020). A two-dimensional architecture for fast large-scale trapped-ion quantum computing. Chinese Physics Letters, 37, 070302

[3] Wang, W.#, Wu, Y.#, Ma, Y., Cai, W., Hu, L., Mu, X., Xu, Y., Chen, Z.-J., Wang, H., Song, Y.-P., Yuan, H., Zou, C.-L., Duan, L.-M., & Sun, L. (2019). Heisenberg-limited single-mode quantum metrology in a superconducting circuit. Nature Communications, 10, 4382

[2] Landsman, K. A.#, Wu, Y.#, Leung, P. H., Zhu, D., Linke, N. M., Brown, K. R., Duan, L.-M., & Monroe, C. (2019). Two-qubit entangling gates within arbitrarily long chains of trapped ions. Physical Review A, 100, 022332

[1]  Wu, Y., Wang, S.-T., & Duan, L.-M. (2018). Noise analysis for high-fidelity quantum entangling gates in an anharmonic linear Paul trap. Physical Review A, 97, 062325