Hybrid Query Processing in MotherDuck

演讲人: Peter Boncz Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)
时间: 2024-08-23 14:00-2024-08-23 15:30
地点:FIT 多功能厅

MotherDuck is a new service that connects DuckDB to the cloud. It introduces the concept of "hybrid query processing": the ability to execute queries partly on the client and partly in the cloud. The talk covers the motivation for MotherDuck and some of its use cases; as well as the main characteristics of its system architecture, which heavily uses the extension mechanisms of DuckDB. To provide context, the talk will therefore also provide a brief overview of the DuckDB architecture.


Peter Boncz holds appointments as a tenured researcher at CWI and a professor at VU University Amsterdam. His academic background is in database systems, with the open-source column-store MonetDB, the outcome of his PhD. He has a track record in bridging the gap between academia and commercial application, founding multiple startups. In 2008 he co-founded Vectorwise around the analytical database system by the same name, which pioneered vectorized query execution, and lightweight data compression; which have been adopted broadly in analytical database systems. He is currently on sabbatical at MotherDuck.