李有泉 浙江大学
时间: 2024-11-19 16:00-2024-11-19 18:00
地点:FIT 1-222
This presentation contains two parts. In the first part, I will talk about a theoretical discovery of a possible application of quantum teleportation, i.e., Global Positioning Scheme via Quantum Teleportation. Quantum teleportation scheme is undoubtedly an inspiring theoretical discovery as an amazing application of quantum physics, which was experimentally realized several years later. For the purpose of quantum communication via this scheme, an entangled ancillary pair shared by Alice and Bob is the essential ingredient, and a quantum memory in Bob's system is necessary such that the quantum state is kept at least until the classical message from Alice arrives. Yet, the quantum memory remains a challenge in both technology and rationale. Here we show that the quantum teleportation also provides fresh perspectives in an alternative scheme for global positioning system. Referring to fixed locations of Bob and Charlie, Alice can determine her relative position by comparison of quantum states before and after teleporting around via Bob and Charlie successively.
In the second part, I will briefly talk about a Quantum Approach to Fast Protein Folding, and Quantum Simulation of Protein Misfolding Behavior. The study of protein folding is fundamental and important in multidisciplinary field because a diversity of diseases, like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's result from protein misfolding. As a fundamental issue, the Levinthal paradox of the folding time has long been a standing theoretical question. Previous progresses, till now, are made on the base of “energy-landscape” with various artificial hypotheses. Recently, we proposed a self-contained quantum approach to explore a fast protein folding time. Meanwhile, the current thermodynamic and geometric approaches only phenomenologically describe but do not provide a mechanistic understanding about the competition between correct folding and misfolding. Here we present a quantum simulation to understand such behaviors. Considering the influence of dissipative strength for all possible sequences and comparing the folding times toward different compact structures, we obtain a phase diagram of dissipative quantum phase transition that enable us to model such behaviors. We also investigate how a perturbation in the Hamiltonian affects the transition point, which may motivate us to explore possible manual interventions.
长期从事理论凝聚态物理研究工作,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文160余篇;主持省部级以上科研项目14项,含国家自然科学面上项目8项、国家杰出青年科学基金项目1项、国家重点研发计划项目1项;获国家自然科学二等奖1项、中国高校自然科学一等奖1项;入选“教育部领军人才项目特聘教授”(2001年),“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选(2006年),“国家万人计划”--百千万工程领军人才(2014年);获全国“五一”劳动奖章(2003年)、留学回国人员成就奖章(2003年)及第八届中国青年科技奖(2004年);曾担任《科学通报》、《Frontiers of Physics in China》、《物理学进展》等期刊编委,现担任中国物理学会秋季会议(CPS Fall Meeting)、全国磁学理论会议等组委会委员。
研究方向: 理论凝聚态物理,量子物理新奇效应及其潜在应用