John A. Stankovic 弗吉尼亚大学
时间: 2011-12-01 14:00-2011-12-01 15:00
地点:FIT 1-222
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) composed of large numbers of small devices (called motes or dust) can self-organize and be used for a wide variety of applications. In particular, these systems can be used to improve the quality of health care, be applied in the home or in large-scale assisted living facilities, and significantly contribute to longitudinal studies. I will present, AlarmNet, a novel system for assisted living and residential monitoring that uses front-end body networks, intermediate environmental sensing and communication networks, and back-end context aware protocols that are tailored to residents’ individual living patterns. In the back-end, a program has been implemented to infer behaviors and use that information for improved health care. For example, these programs infer medical issues such as depression. In this talk I will describe the overall AlarmNet architecture, various front-end body networks, the intermediate sensor network, and the back-end databases and analysis. Key issues addressed include: flexible and evolvable heterogeneous configurations, measuring sleep motion and quality, subjective and objective measures for depression monitoring, privacy, and a real-time query system.