Hoeteck Wee Queens College, CUNY
时间: 2010-04-01 14:00-2010-04-01 15:00
In this talk, we will revisit the construction of Universal One-Way Hash Functions (UOWHFs) from any one-way function due to Rompel (STOC 1990). I will present a simpler construction of UOWHFs, which also obtains better efficiency and security. The construction exploits a strong connection to the recently introduced notion of inaccessible entropy (Haitner et al. STOC 2009).
Based on joint work with Iftach Haitner (Microsoft Research), Thomas Holenstein (ETH Zurich), Omer Reingold (Weizmann and Microsoft) and Salil Vadhan (Harvard), to appear in Eurocrypt 2010.
Hoeteck Wee is an assistant professor at Queens College, CUNY. He received his PhD from UC Berkeley under the supervision of Luca Trevisan and his BSc from MIT. He was previously a post-doc at Columbia and a visiting student at Tsinghua, sharing an office in FIT 1-208.
Hoeteck recently received the NSF Career award and is currently serving on the Crypto 2010 PC. His research revolves around the design and analysis of cryptographic protocols.