Lucas Lamata University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
时间: 2013-03-29 10:30-2013-03-29 11:30
地点:CQI meeting room 101
In this talk we will propose a method of simulating efficiently many-body interacting fermion and fermion-boson lattice models in trapped ions, including highly nonlinear interactions in arbitrary spatial dimensions and for arbitrarily distant couplings. We map products of fermionic operators onto nonlocal spin operators and decompose the resulting dynamics in efficient steps with Trotter methods, yielding an overall protocol that employs only polynomial resources. The proposed scheme can be relevant in a variety of fields such as condensed-matter or high-energy physics, where quantum simulations may solve problems intractable for classical computers.
1) Dr. Lamata studied Physics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and got his PhD at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, obtaining the First Extraordinary Prize for a PhD in Physics in 2007 in this University.
2) Dr. Lamata was then a Humboldt Research Fellow in Prof. Ignacio Cirac's Group at the Max-Planck-Institut für Quatenoptik, were he was later Max-Planck Postdoctoral Fellow.
3) Dr. Lamata is currently a Marie Curie IEF Postdoctoral Fellow at Prof. Enrique Solano's QUTIS Group in Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU Bilbao, Spain. He is the second in the hierarchy of the Group, having responsibilities in scientific, grant application, grant management,
and student supervision activities.
4) Dr. Lamata is one of the pioneers on the topic of quantum simulations of relativistic quantum systems in trapped ions, having also been at the core of the proposals for simulating fermionic interactions, fermions coupled to bosons, and quantum field theories, in trapped ions.
5) Dr. Lamata has also pioneering works on entanglement generation, characterization and classification, that have achieved a considerable impact over the last few years.
6) Dr. Lamata published 26 papers, of which 11 are Physical Review Letters, 2 New Journal of Physics, and 10 Physical Review A. He has 12 invited talks in international conferences and meetings, and about 20 invited seminars in prestigious institutions. He has organized two international workshops on quantum information and quantum optics.