Quantum information and quantum technologies

演讲人: Enrique Solano University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU and IKERBASQUE
时间: 2013-04-03 10:00-2013-04-03 11:00

I will introduce the field of quantum simulations from a wide scientific perspective. Then, I will discuss the relevance of quantum simulations for reproducing different aspects of quantum physics: nonrelativistic and relativistic quantum dynamics, physical and unphysical quantum operations, as well as strong and ultrastrong light-matter interactions. Finally, I will give examples in the context of trapped-ion and circuit QED technologies.


1) Prof. Solano studied Physics in Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI, France), and got his PhD at the Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2) Prof. Solano was Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, he was a researcher at Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics and at Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.
3) Prof. Solano is currently Ikerbasque Professor and leader of the group "Quantum technologies for information science (QUTIS)" at University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU in Bilbao. His
QUTIS group is a world-leading research group that has expertise in Quantum Optics, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter, Superconducting Quantum Circuits, and Quantum Biomimetics.
4) Prof. Solano’s QUTIS group developed pioneer work in quantum simulations of the Dirac equation, quantum field theories and condensed matter in trapped ions and superconducting circuits.
5) Prof. Solano’s QUTIS group developed pioneer work in the ultrastrong coupling regime of light-matter coupling in circuit quantum electrodynamics.
6) Prof. Solano’s QUTIS group developed pioneer work in generation and detection of propagating quantum microwaves, including a patent for the first design of a microwave
7) Prof. Solano published ~ 120 articles: 35 Physical Review Letters, 3 Nature papers, and has 3 international patents. Prof. Solano is editor of international journals and member of distinguished
international scientific panels, he has organized important conferences in quantum optics, condensed matter, and quantum information, and been invited to give keynote and plenary talks around the world.