Prof. Lock Yue Chew Nanyang Technological University
时间: 2015-04-16 15:30-2015-04-16 16:30
地点:FIT 1-222
Dr Lock Yue Chew is an Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics in the Division of Physics and Applied Physics of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He is also an associate member of the newly established Complexity Institute in NTU. Dr Chew’s research interest is on the physics of complex systems. He aims to understand the fundamental mechanisms of complex systems through inter-disciplinary studies on biological, quantum and classical interacting systems by means of nonlinear and statistical physics. Recently, he had explored into questions on the characterization and measure of complexity; regime shifts and critical transitions in coupled social-ecological systems; and the evolution of complexity through information spreading and processing in networks of interacting agents.