Cryptographic Hashing at the Crossroads

演讲人: Josef Pieprzyk Macquarie University, Australia
时间: 2008-06-11 16:00-2008-06-11 17:00
地点:FIT Building 4-603, Tsinghua University

This is an overview of cryptographic hash functions and its state of art. We first discuss properties, structures and generic attacks on hashing. Then we describe three basic methods of hash function design, namely, hashing based on block ciphers, custom designs, and hashing based on intractable problems. We close our presentation with a presentation of requirements and evaluation process of the NIST SHA-3 call for new hash standard.


Josef Pieprzyk received BSc in electrical engineering from Academy of Technology in Bydgoszcz, Poland, MSc in mathematics from Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun, Poland, and PhD degree in computer science from Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
        He was an Assistent Professor at Academy of Technology in Bydgoszcz, Poland and later held Lecturer and Senior Lecturer positions at the University of Sydney and University of New South Wales. In 1991, he was an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science and IT, Wollongong University. Since 2001, he is a Professor in the Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
       Professor Pieprzyk is a member of the editorial board for International Journal of Information Security (Springer-Verlag), Journal of Mathematical Cryptology (W de Gruyter), International Journal of Security and Networks, and International Journal of Information and Computer Security. He is a member of IACR.
       His research interest includes computer network security, database security, design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms, algebraic analysis of block and stream ciphers, theory of cryptographic protocols, secret sharing schemes, threshold cryptography, copyright protection, e-Commerce and Web security.
       Josef Pieprzyk published 5 books, edited 10 books (conference proceedings published by Springer-Verlag), 3 book chapters, and ~170 papers in refereed journals and refereed international conferences.