A Matching Theory of Organization and Network

演讲人: Prof. Andy Luchuan Liu the South University of Science and Technology
时间: 2017-06-01 10:30-2017-06-01 11:30
地点:FIT 1-312

To explore the formation of organization and network with their various structures, a general theory of matching evolves from the classic paradigm of Gale and Shapley in the following directions: constructing its connectivity in which two or more matched teams could have some common elements through matching with their functions rather than partitions of agents; Incorporating the directionality of hierarchy through matching with the orders of functions; Introducing the paradigm of organizational rationality consisting of its self-fulfilling and preference system into the theory of matching. The static notion of matching is not universal since there does not always exist a stable one. The property of universal stability is constructed within a matching evolution organized with a series of matchings between organizations matched in its sub-games and free agents no matter if the game is stable in its static matching.


Andy is a visiting professor of finance at the South University of Science and Technology.Andy was the Asian head of firm-wide risk at Goldman Sachs and served as a GS principal for the Hong Kong Futures Exchanges. Andy was its global risk officer and the business leader in the fixed income and structure products sales at the Bank of China International. Andy is a managing director at Hoyal & Co. Andy was an assistant professor and adjunct professor at the business school at City University of Hong Kong. Andy was an assistant research fellow at the Institute of Policy & Management, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests are in game theory, financial economics, behavioral finance and fintech.  His papers published in the Journal of Economic Theory and the Journal of Banking & Finance.  Andy holds a Ph.D. degree in economics of SUNY at Stony Brook, USA.