The High-Luminosity upgrade of the LHC and future hadron colliders will present us unprecedented instantaneous luminosities with a much higher pile-up in the collision events than the current LHC. Effective and precise measurements of the particle tracks and vertices in such a high rate and high radiation environment is a major challenge for experiments in such colliders. In this talk, I will present various developments of tracking detectors for HL-LHC and beyond that are aiming to solve such challenges, including the Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS inner tracker strips detector, and various R&D works towards 4D tracker with precision timing for future upgrades of LHC experiments. Precision timing measurement of charged particles will not only suppress the pile-up effect on track and vertex reconstruction but also open a new window for many new physics searches such as long-lived particle searches. A significant challenge for a 4D tracker is the design of readout chips due to extreme requirements on area, power consumption, etc. In this talk, I will discuss some recent R&D activities on the design of pixel readout ASIC prototype with 28 nm CMOS technology with a fast analog front end and in-pixel TDC and prospects for the ultimate 4D tracker for HL-LHC and beyond.