- 221. Guo, Chenghao; Zhang, Xinzhi; Huang, Zhiyi. Settling the sample complexity of single-parameter revenue maximization. STOC 2019.
- 220. Duan, Ran; Jin, Ce; Wu, Hongxun. Faster algorithms for all pairs non-decreasing paths problem. ICALP 2019.
- 219. Jin, Ce. An improved FPTAS for 0-1 knapsack. ICALP 2019.
- 218. Jin, Ce. Simulating random walks on graphs in the streaming model. ITCS 2019.
- 217. Jiang, Zhihao; Zhao, Haoyu. An fptas for stochastic unbounded min-knapsack problem. FAW 2019.
- 216. Liu, Yunchao; Wu, Zheng; Freeman, William T.; Tenenbaum, Joshua B.; Wu, Jiajun; Ritchie, Daniel. Learning to describe scenes with programs. ICLR 2019.
- 215. Jiang, Shunhua; Larsen, Kasper Green. A faster external memory priority queue with decreasekeys. SODA 2019.
- 214. Mao, Jiayuan; Gan, Chuang; Kohli, Pushmeet; Tenenbaum, Joshua B.; Wu, Jiajun. The neuro-symbolic concept learner: Interpreting scenes, words, and sentences from natural supervision. ICLR 2019.
- 213. Jiahui Huang;Sheng Yang;Zishuo Zhao;Yu-Kun Lai;Shi-Min Hu. ClusterSLAM: A SLAM Backend for Simultaneous Rigid Body Clustering and Motion Estimation. ICCV 2019.
- 212. Shunhua Jiang;Kasper Green Larsen. A Faster External Memory Priority Queue with DecreaseKeys. SODA 2019.
- 211. Zhuang Liu, Mingjie Sun, Tinghui Zhou, Gao Huang, Trevor Darrell. Rethinking the Value of Network Pruning. ICLR 2019.
- 210. Yi-Jun Chang, Seth Pettie, Hengjie Zhang. Distributed triangle detection via expander decomposition. SODA 2019.
- 209. Sanjeev Arora, Zhiyuan Li, Kaifeng Lyu. Theoretical Analysis of Auto Rate-Tuning by Batch Normalization. ICLR 2019.
- 208. Lijie Chen,Shafi Goldwasser,Kaifeng Lyu,Guy N. Rothblum,Aviad Rubinstein. Fine-grained complexity meets IP= PSPACE. SODA 2019.
- 207. Vipul Goyal;Yanyi Liu;Yifan Song. Communication-Efficient Unconditional MPC with Guaranteed Output Delivery. Crypto 2019.
- 206. Michael Kampffmeyer, Yinbo Chen, Xiaodan Liang, Hao Wang, Yujia Zhang, Eric P. Xing. Rethinking Knowledge Graph Propagation for Zero-Shot Learning. CVPR 2019.
- 205. Anupam Gupta, Guru Guruganesh, Binghui Peng, David Wajc. Stochastic online metric matching. ICALP 2019.
- 204. Binghui Peng† and Weiran Shen† and Pingzhong Tang† and Song Zuo. Learning optimal strategies to commit to. AAAI 2019.